Thursday, December 19, 2013

2013 Photography Final Feedback

My favorite projects during this course would have to be the face swap. It was very interesting and fun to swap the faces of celebrities and edit it so that it could be smooth and blend well. My least favorite project might have to be the first camera rolls you have to take. It was pretty difficult to find certain scenes to go along with the topic; ex. side-lighting. While attending this class, I learned how to actually work, or "program," the camera--how to adjust the aperture, etc. After high school, I could apply this knowledge when taking pictures as a hobby. I would really try to purchase my own camera sometime in the future to improve my knowledge on how the camera works even more.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Gaze Position - McDonald's

McDonald's original advertisement
My re-contextualized version

What's the first thing you think of or feel once you see a McDonald's ad? Most may feel hungry and think about it's tasty products, but some may think of it's bad effect on consumers around the world. Based off of the movie "Super Size Me,"  Morgan Spurlock participates in his own "experiment"--in which he ate only McDonald's for 30 days.  As a result, Spurlock partook in many, many health problems (before he began, multiple doctors declared his health as being "perfect.") The "Super Size Me" investigation was created to increase the awareness of obesity throughout U.S. society. Therefore, I re-contextualized the original McDonald's advertisement to increase the awareness of increasing obesity, nevertheless in the United Staes of America but also throughout the world. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Asia--Pop Art

Started my project by using the "Quick Selection" tool, under the "Magic Wand" tool. With this tool, you can outline the photo and then cut out the background. To create more of a "pop art" look, the "Gradient" tool was used to add a different gradient of colors for each photo to create a sense of contrast.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Face Swap--William and Kate Middleton

Started off by using "Clone Stamp Tool," used to clone/copy the faces of William and Kate. Afterwards, The cloned faces were moved--with the Move Tool--over the opposite's. The Eraser Tool's flow was changed to 4%, so the erasing around the cloned faces wouldn't be too sharp. Then, you're done!